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2007-11-01 08:25:52|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Thank you, Alex and Sinem , if without your help in this busy week, I couldn’t imagine that what I would be. Both of you are kind, kind British and kind Turkish! Thank Alex for giving me a lift to home. As I told you in the car, I’ve treated you as my family. I felt content and happy, because of you two. But, I really disliked that others ask me about my affair, even though you were suspecting my orientation.



These days I felt dizzy, from last Sunday till now. In fact, I couldn’t adapt to the 1ur back. What I can do is go to bed early and get up early, all by force. I was totally confused how I could adapt myself to the 8urs time zone between China and UK before. And what came into being after 1ur back is that it got dark very early. After class, I felt dark, cold and hungry. Terrible!!


And it seemed that most of the trees turned yellow during one night, the rabbits and squirrels in UEA are preparing foods for hibernations.Cute!!



I bought a Japanese-English Dictionary yesterday for my 2 months anniversary gift, since I’ve been here for overall 2 months. I was determined to learn Japanese next week.


Hope to get a good mark in IELS test on this Friday! See you.


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