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There is no place like home  

2007-11-17 07:36:39|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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 English Channel 

There is no place like home. I totally agree with sola, a Nigerian girl living in the same house with me.


Last night, actually it was on the morning of 17th November in China. Mum phoned me at just over 4 o’clock, and told me that she couldn’t fall asleep. Then we chatted via MSN video till 7 o’clock. I know mum missed me badly. So do I, I missed my family, my Garfield, my friends, even my own dialect. Mum is sending me another parcel, thanks mum.


 Tonight, after dinner, Alex, Sinem, Sola and I sat on the sofa, watching TV. I told them I suddenly had a strong feeling that I want to talk with them in Chinese. Sinem said, because I treated them as my family member. Yeah, that is true. I prefer to stay with them rather than with some other Chinses. They are sincere. Even though we all came from different countries, even though I was watching English TV programme at that moment, I felt myself at home. I have another home now.


 These days, after a deep thought, I found that I have some bad characteristics. I am an impatient people. I do things without deeper thinking frequently, which makes me hurt someone else unconsciously. Moreover, I always want to get reward (mental) after doing things. In this aspect, I am selfish. Maybe my family pass over their gene to me, both my dad and mum are businessmen. Businessmen just want get paid, but I think it is reasonable sometimes. If I keep doing one thing for a long time, and make no achievement, I will abjure.


 Anyway, accept myself, then rid my bad habit.





  死呐,一回个星期没更新这个space,猴个星期吾闲猴甲只倒摆“胶zuà”(蟑螂)病样。一大堵作业甲论文,hing ()啊,下个星期还着考试甲演讲。








































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